Upcoming Coaching Courses

Coaching Courses:

We need more coaches to help on the Monday nights with juveniles and for adults as well.

An Athletics Leader course will be held in both Balbriggan 21st Sept and Cushinstown 28th Sept. It is a one day course.

Then the next stage up is Level 1 course which takes place in Drogheda on Fri 18th Oct (6-9pm) and Sat 19th (9am-5pm) and continues on 8th & 9th Nov.

The club will pay for participation in both courses. Email Brendan at bmeade@iol.ie or text me at 087-2533113 to book your place.

All coaches need to also have the code of ethics child protection course completed…. next course date: 19th September 2013. Time: 6.30pm to 9.45pm Venue: Windtown Unit Centre, Navan

It’s up to people to volunteer…. no coach equals no club training.