Adult Club Training

Current Winter/ Spring Training Sessions

Tuesdays Club Training Sessions: Two choices on Tuesdays:

*Gormanston College – Meet at Carpark of Sports Complex- 8pm – General Tempo Run for all levels & Also the Couch to 5k Programme –  included in yearly membership fee.

or *St.Patricks GAA Grounds, Stamullen – 8pm- A group meet for speed training with hired Coach Gary O’Hanlon – a small weekly fee – not included in yearly membership.

 -Please see the Adult member section of the website for the Couch to 5k programme details.

Thursday Club Training Sessions:

Gormanston College – Meet at Carpark of Sports Complex- 8pm – General Tempo Run for all levels & Also the Couch to 5km Programme –  included in yearly membership fee.


Weekend Club Training Session:

Most Saturdays (on weekends without major competitions) there will be a Hill Training Session in Ardgillan, at 1pm/2pm.  Contact Brendan 087-2533113.